Title: ‘EMSA’ – Entrepreneurial Mindset and Key Skills For All
Date: 2023 to 2025
Location: Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine.
EMSA’s “Entrepreneurial Mindset and Key Skills for All ‘ is a capacity-building project that aims to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and will be implemented by a consortium of six partners from Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine.
The project will focus on two important European models: the European Reference Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (ERF) and the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (ENTRECOMP). These frameworks provide a common language for describing and assessing key competencies, which are essential for personal fulfillment, employability, active citizenship, and social inclusion.
The three main objectives of EMSA project are:
Emsa project will use a variety of methods, including workshops, training, and the development of online resources. The project will also involve the participation of learners, who will be involved in the design and delivery of the training programs.
The project is expected to have a number of benefits, including:
The ERF and ENTRECOMP Frameworks
The European Reference Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (ERF) identifies eight key competencies essential to citizens for personal fulfillment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, employability, active citizenship, and social inclusion. The key competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (ENTRECOMP) is a comprehensive reference framework that defines and describes entrepreneurship as a transversal key competence for all citizens. It is not a curriculum, nor does it prescribe specific learning. It is flexible guidance that can be taken up and adapted to different audiences and cultures as well as to meet different needs.
ENTRECOMP’s Purpose is to use a common language to bridge the world of education, youth work, community, and work. Also, it can inform all stakeholders interested in entrepreneurship education about what the learning outcomes could/should be, also at different levels. It can help policymakers identify the competencies that formal E&T and non-formal learning need to promote and consider ways to reach the goal and to raise the clarity and visibility of a broad notion of entrepreneurship amongst the wider community.
The consortium is comprised of: MMC Mediterranean Management Center – Cyprus, Dimitra – Greece, Arab Collage of Applied Science– Palestine, Have A Dream– Eygpt, Cyprus Certification Company-Cyrpus, and Jordan Youth Innovation Forum -Jordan.