Title : “ A project to Support Migrant Integration and Employment”
Date: January 2024 – December 2025
Location : Jordan, Lebanon, Spain.
DEVMIGRA is an Erasmus+ project designed to address the challenges associated with migration and its impact on various sectors, particularly focusing on integrating migrants into the labour market. The project aims to enhance the skills of migrants through vocational education and training (VET), providing them with the necessary tools to contribute effectively to society.
DEVMIGRA addresses migrants within various age groups, aiming to improve their qualifications and meet the growing demands for a highly skilled labour force across the EU. The project aligns with the broader EU objectives of social inclusion, economic growth, and labour market integration, ensuring that migrants are equipped with the skills and opportunities needed for successful integration.
The DEVMIGRA project has five general objectives:
1. To contribute to the integration of migrants by enhancing their access to education and vocational training, ensuring they acquire the skills needed for the labour market.
2. To foster cooperation between EU and neighbouring countries through joint initiatives that support migrant integration and address the challenges of migration.
3. To advance the recognition of skills acquired by migrants in informal and non-formal learning environments, facilitating their entry into the labour market with recognized qualifications.
4. To develop innovative educational methodologies and best practices that can be shared across Europe, ensuring efficient and inclusive migrant integration.
5. To support vulnerable groups among the migrant population, ensuring they become active and positive contributors to society by leveraging project innovations and achieved results.
DEVMIGRA is a partnership of organisations from seven countries: Greece, Egypt, Netherlands, Tunisia, Turkiye, Jordan, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The Consortium is comprised of Jordanian Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF) – Jordan, chabibeh sporting club – Lebanon, INTERCAMBIA-Spain , MV Internatioanl- Germany.