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DigiSkills Subscription form entries

Form IDcfdb7_statusyour-nameageGenderNationalitySpecializationuniversityGraduationYearApplyForRelatedCoursesGeneralCoursesProfessionalExperiencesVolunteerExperiencesReasonforParticipationWhatDoYouExpectfromThisProgramWhyDoYouThinkYouAretheRightPersonforThisProgramContactNumberContactNumber-country-codeyour-emailLinkedInProfileFacebookProfileInstagramProfileGovernorateResidentialAreaTransportationUsedCurrentlyEmployedPreviouslyEmployedAvailableFull-timeAbletoAttendIn-personCoursesinAmmanIDDocumentcfdb7_fileGraduationCertificatecfdb7_filemc4wp_checkboxSubmission Date
3449unreadHamza Osama Hussein Al-Omari23ArrayJordanianComputer EngineeringAl-Balqa Applied Faculty Of Engineering Technology (Polytechnic)2025-05-05ArrayIOT Course, Embedded systems Course in college and self-learning about the embedded systems and among those things Microcontrollers : Pic Microcontroller, Arduino ,respray pi . Programming : C, MikroC . Tools : MikroC for Pic, Proteus 8. and self-learning about VLSI among those things FPGA and VHDL,Virilog-HDL. 1. Full stack web developer (July to November 2021): 600HoursCourse,Conducted by Tahaluf al Emarat Training Center, Online training course. 2. Agile Methodology Scrum Master (Nov 2021): Conducted by Tahaluf al Emarat Training Center .Online training course. 3. Time series forecasting (Jul 2023): (9 Hours Course Conducted) by Jordanian Engineers Association, Zarqa, Jordan. 4. Jordan Semiconductor Design Competition (2023): First month is training Conducted by Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Hybrid training Course Amman, Jordan. 5. Business Challenge Program (2016): Conducted by INJAZ, Amman, Jordan. 6. Training in Digital Media (2017-2018): Conducted by Ministry Of Culture, Amman, Jordan. 1. Book Store Website (For Full stack web developer training): Using MVC, C#, Microsoft-SQL, and JS. 2. Vehicle Registration Website (For Full stack web developer training): Using Angular, C#, Microsoft-SQL and T.S. 3. Single Cycle MIPS CPU (JoSDC): Using Verilog-HDL and Quartus Prime , Model Sime for simulation and Testing . 4. Smart Attendance System (graduation project): Using Angular, C#, Microsoft-SQL, Entity Framework and T.S for (SIS web) and (Python for ML face recognition system). 5. Door Security Alarm: Using MikroC, PIC 16F887 microcontroller. شاركت في بعض الاعمال التطوعية في المجتمع المحلي و ايضا شاركت في لجان الأرشاد الجامعي للطلاب الجدد I participated in the IoT training because I have a strong interest in embedded systems, digital design, and their applications in smart technologies. This training allowed me to gain experience with IoT concepts, microcontrollers, and real-time data processing. Given my background in embedded systems and software development, I saw this as an opportunity to expand my skills and apply them to innovative solutions, such as automation and smart devices. Additionally, IoT is a rapidly growing field, and I wanted to enhance my expertise to align with industry trends and future career opportunities. I expect this program to provide in-depth knowledge of IoT technologies, including sensor integration, embedded systems, and data processing. I aim to enhance my technical skills in microcontrollers, communication protocols, and real-time data analytics, which are crucial for developing smart applications. Additionally, I look forward to hands-on projects and practical applications that will help bridge the gap between theory and real-world implementation. This training will also allow me to stay updated with industry trends, network with experts, and explore potential career opportunities in IoT and embedded systems.I believe I am the right person for this program because of my strong background in embedded systems, microcontrollers, and digital design. My experience with programming languages like C, C++, and Python, along with hands-on projects such as the Door Security Alarm (PIC microcontroller) and Smart Attendance System (AI-based face recognition), demonstrates my ability to apply technology to real-world problems. Additionally, my participation in the Jordan Semiconductor Design Competition has strengthened my knowledge of hardware design concepts. I am highly motivated to expand my expertise in IoT and use this training to develop innovative solutions in automation and smart technology.0785650189hamza3mary@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/hamza-al-omari-578836255https://www.facebook.com/hamza.omary.908Al-Zarqa Jabal TareqI use public transportation, such as buses and taxis.ArrayArrayArrayArray1738194167af62c1c651-IDDocument-ID.pdf1738194167af62c1c651-GraduationCertificate-Hamza-Al-Omari-CV.pdfNo2025-01-29 23:42:47
3449unreadSerene Hamed29ArrayJordanian Bioinformatics engineering Yarmouk2018-10-28Array0791855913serene.hamed20@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArray17380668907e953e932b-IDDocument-Serenes-CV-2024.pdfNo2025-01-28 12:21:30
3449unreadibrahim alturk22Arrayhordancomputer science mutah2002-11-07Arrayflutterانتخابات النيابية المعرض التقني جامعة مؤتةبدي ازيد خبرتيزيادة خبلاتيلاني اريد التطوير من ذاتي0790398573ibrahimalturk711@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/ibrahim-alturk-331438327?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_appammanالأشرفيةArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2025-01-23 20:39:28
3449unreadRaed Mansour Mufleh Al-Rousan34ArrayJordanStatistics, Computer information systemsYarmouk University2013-08-01ArrayExcel CourseProfessional Development CourseMath TeacherStudents Scores Analyzing in PISA Exam SimulationI'm very interested in Data Science and AI CoursesI expect this program to provide me with advanced skills in data analytics, including hands-on experience with tools like Excel and Python, and techniques that align with industry standards. I aim to deepen my knowledge, enhance my technical capabilities, and gain practical insights that will prepare me for real-world challenges in the field of data analytics.I have a strong academic foundation in Statistics and Computer Information Systems. My passion for Data Science and AI drives me to further enhance my expertise in data analytics, making me a highly motivated and committed candidate who is eager to apply the skills gained to create impactful solutions.0787096790raed.alrousan90@gmail.comIrbidMa'anPublic transportationArrayArrayArrayArray1737601191ea3ca8fe28-IDDocument-All-Personal-New-1_15.pdf1737601191ea3ca8fe28-GraduationCertificate-Education-bcl.pdfNo2025-01-23 02:59:51
3449unreadLourita Qawas23ArrayJordanian Uop2025-01-21Array0799326445louritaqawas@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2025-01-21 17:33:26
3449unreadzaid shaker sameh alharahsha23Arrayjordannetwork security engineerAl- Balqa' Applied University2025-06-01Arrayaws-ccnaaws-ccnatraining for green circle موسسه ولي العهدتعلم مهارات جديدهالتطوير والتقدم نحو الافضل طالب اسعى الى التطور دائما اتمنى ان اكون خير ممثل في كل مكان0778473470zaidorsan2001@gmail.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/zaid-alharahsha-43b0b9304https://www.facebook.com/zaid.alharahsha.5https://www.instagram.com/za1d_alharahsha/?__pwa=1#جرشجرشباصArrayArrayArrayArray173702581412cb3d3dfa-IDDocument-.pdf173702581412cb3d3dfa-GraduationCertificate-.pdfNo2025-01-16 11:10:14
3449unreadzaid shaker sameh alharahsha23Arrayjordannetwork security engineerAl- Balqa' Applied University2025-06-01Arrayaws-ccnaaws-ccnatraining for green circle موسسه ولي العهدتعلم مهارات جديدهالتطوير والتقدم نحو الافضل طالب اسعى الى التطور دائما اتمنى ان اكون خير ممثل في كل مكان0778473470zaidorsan2001@gmail.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/zaid-alharahsha-43b0b9304https://www.facebook.com/zaid.alharahsha.5https://www.instagram.com/za1d_alharahsha/?__pwa=1#جرشجرشباصArrayArrayArrayArray17370258127fa9dfc9d0-IDDocument-.pdf17370258127fa9dfc9d0-GraduationCertificate-.pdfNo2025-01-16 11:10:12
3449unreadzaid shaker sameh alharahsha23Arrayjordannetwork security engineerAl- Balqa' Applied University2025-06-01Arrayaws-ccnaaws-ccnatraining for green circle موسسه ولي العهدتعلم مهارات جديدهالتطوير والتقدم نحو الافضل طالب اسعى الى التطور دائما اتمنى ان اكون خير ممثل في كل مكان0778473470zaidorsan2001@gmail.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/zaid-alharahsha-43b0b9304https://www.facebook.com/zaid.alharahsha.5https://www.instagram.com/za1d_alharahsha/?__pwa=1#جرشجرشباصArrayArrayArrayArray1737025807eb12e69e5e-IDDocument-.pdf1737025807eb12e69e5e-GraduationCertificate-.pdfNo2025-01-16 11:10:07
3449unreadHamza Ahmad Maqbul 19ArrayJordanian Electrical Engineering HTU2028-01-16ArrayArduino Full stack web development Java Python Writing Critical thinking Student Marketing الجامعه في متحف الاطفال في المؤسسات الخيريه في مؤسسه نحن التابعه لمؤسسه ولي العهدلتتطوير مشاريعي الخاصه وبدء البزنس الخاص بيان اخطوا الخطوه الاولى في حياتي العمليه الانني متشوق جدا للبرناج واطمح ان اكون معكم ان شاء الله 0799802582hamzahmaqboul89@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/hamzah-maqboul-7174b7327?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_apphttps://www.facebook.com/share/15rJYeWrKM/https://www.instagram.com/hamzah_ahmad_96?igsh=bmpwZ2YxeDl4bXZhعمانالقويسمهمواصلات ArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2025-01-16 11:06:29
3449unreadOmar Hasan Almasri21ArrayjordanianComputer information systemAL al-Bayt University2025-06-01ArrayTableau | Looker Studio Excel SQL Python Data Mining Data Warehouse Statistics PowerPoint PHP-Laravel Git/GitHub Oracle MYSQL As a Fellow at Correlation One, I analyzed and visualized data using tools like Excel, SQL, Python, Tableau, and Looker Studio. I contributed to designing interactive dashboards and delivering actionable insights to support data-driven decision-making.Ambassador , Crown Prince Foundation (Dec 2023 - Aug 2024) Gained experience in communication, networking, and organizing volunteering initiatives within universities and the local community, while promoting the importance of volunteering to university studentI wish to participate in the data analysis training to enhance my skills in analyzing and interpreting data using advanced tools and techniques. I also aim to practice the languages I know and acquire new ones to support my skill development in this field.I expect this program to provide me with the necessary skills and hands-on experience to become a proficient data analyst. Through practical learning and exposure to real-world projects, I hope to enhance my technical abilities and build the confidence needed ( to secure a job in the data analysis field ) .I believe I am the right person for this program because of my strong background in data analysis and my commitment to continuous learning. I have experience working with various data analysis tools like Excel, SQL, and Python, and I am eager to apply and expand these skills in a practical, real-world setting. Additionally, my ability to collaborate within teams, solve complex problems, and my passion for data-driven decision-making align with the goals of this program.0788799439almasrio375@gmail.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/omar-almasri375https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082940222644&mibextid=ZbWKwL&_rdc=1&_rdr#https://www.instagram.com/almasri1763?igsh=bmtlb3Z5a3ljbm14ZarqaAl-Falah neighborhood areaالباص السريع المجمع القديم + الجديد (الزرقاء) ملاحضة : متبقي لدي 12 ساعة متطلب جامعي منهم التدريب الميداني + مشروع التخرج اذا تم قبولي سوف احضر من الجامعة وثيقة تدل اني قد تبقى لدي فقط 12 على اتمام مرحلة التخرجArrayArrayArrayArray173701893272773c6e4f-IDDocument-ID-Doc.pdf173701893272773c6e4f-GraduationCertificate-proof-1.pdfNo2025-01-16 09:15:32
3449unreadAbdallh AbdELkareem22Arrayjordanienmanagement information systemAl Hussain Bin Talal university2024-06-10ArrayI'm excited to share my interest in starting in the field of data analysis ,, I look forward to learning and developing the necessary skills to contribute effectively and grow professionally in this field. I expect this program to help me build a strong foundation in data analysis, learn practical skills, and understand how to solve real-world problems using data. I believe I am the right person for this program because of my strong passion for data analysis and interest to learn and grow in this field.0777415861abdallhtobasi23@gmail.comzarqazarqa I use busses to transportation ArrayArrayArrayArray1736852583b5ee987999-IDDocument-IMG_20241218_124121.pdf1736852583b5ee987999-GraduationCertificate-IMG_20241218_124121.pdfNo2025-01-14 11:03:03
3449unreadGhaith derdah hasheem tanash34ArrayJordanianManagment information system Jadara university 2013-07-14ArrayGoogle data analysis Self development Machine Learning Data Associate | Amazon Sales (Temporary Contract) | Huawei Customer care Representative | Samsung - BCI Sales Executive | beIN SPORTS Customer Service Representative | Souq.com NonFind work and learn new skills Find job and learn new skills Because i have skills and experience 0788043178ghaith.mis89@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/ghaith-tanash-98b009142?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_appIrbidIrbidCarArrayArrayArrayArray17368463667ac87ca47a-IDDocument-IMG_3669-PDF.pdf17368463667ac87ca47a-GraduationCertificate-IMG_5031-PDF.pdfNo2025-01-14 09:19:26
3449unreadBasil Kanaan28ArrayJordanian Computer information systems Yarmouk university 2019-02-28ArrayGoogle Data analytics R/shinySelf development Data associates/ Amazon Content moderator/ BIGO Customer service/ Amazon Data analysis / data caveNoneA great opportunity to learn and workTo get engaged in the market as a professional I have all the time and the needed skills0791060850basil.kanan311@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/basel-kanaan-187927182?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_appIrbidIrbidMy own carArrayArrayArrayArray1736845993b0d1a15bee-IDDocument-ID.pdf1736845993b0d1a15bee-GraduationCertificate-Mosadaqa.pdfNo2025-01-14 09:13:13
3449unreadAlameen tahseen alatatreh22ArrayJordanian Business intelligence and data analytics University of petra2024-07-25Array0786675833alameenalatatreh@gmail.comAmmanOpposite to ministry of healthArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2025-01-14 08:12:08
3449unreadMalak Muhasien31ArrayJordanian Communication engineering Al-Zaytoonah University 2016-07-07Array0799074945malakmuhaisen960@gmail.comAmmanCarArrayArrayArrayArray173679957525c3585d18-IDDocument-inbound4882651350630967655.pdf173679957525c3585d18-GraduationCertificate-inbound2298093808875962517.pdfNo2025-01-13 20:19:35
3449unreadRama sadeq22ArrayJordanianTranslationYarmouk uni 2024-06-29Arraydata analaytics power bi by qafza worked on a hospital quality control project in a call center for 6 and a half months I volunteered for a year at the Center for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies at Yarmouk University I am interested in the field of data entry and analysis with the aim of developing my skills and gaining useful experiences Obtaining experience and a certificate qualifies me to apply for jobs in the field of data analysis I do not think that there is a right and wrong person, as long as there is a serious interest and desire to learn, I am confident that the person will be able to succeed. 0799998970rama.sadeq03@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/rama-sadeq-a7b380311?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_appAmmanMarkaBusArrayArrayArrayArray1736789222ab9998ece6-IDDocument-inbound4530620961770791325.pdf1736789222ab9998ece6-GraduationCertificate-inbound2810022881600945489.pdfNo2025-01-13 17:27:02
3449unreadDua'a Nedal Suleiman Bani Issa 25ArrayJordanian Survey Engineering Al-Albayt University 2022-01-05ArrayData science course from IPM Python course Python course Nothing Nothing I want to become a professional in this field so that I can work in it because I like it and I want to complete my master’s degree in this specialization.To become a professional in data analysisBecause I am smart and I am very good at Python language0785550499duaabaniissa31@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/duaa-baniissa-977a59251?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_apphttps://www.facebook.com/duaa.baniissa.3?mibextid=ZbWKwLhttps://www.instagram.com/duaab99?igsh=aG9uOTV1ZTV3MzU=Amman JordanShafa badranMy car ArrayArrayArrayArray1736722708ed7ad413a1-IDDocument-.pdf1736722708ed7ad413a1-GraduationCertificate--الجامعه.pdfNo2025-01-12 22:58:28
3449unreadعبدالله عبدالكريم جهاد عبدالرازق22ArrayJordanian management information system al Hussain bin talal university 2024-06-10ArrayI want to take the course to learn and develop in this fieldI’m excited to be part of this programan and I hope to learn practical applications of data analysis to advance my understanding of the field." 0772644700abdallhtobasi23@gmail.comzarqazarqai use busses to transportation ArrayArrayArrayArray17367182930469c479ac-IDDocument-IMG_20240810_141654.pdf17367182930469c479ac-GraduationCertificate-IMG_20240810_141654.pdfNo2025-01-12 21:44:53
3449unreadSaed abulhalawh28ArrayJordanian Flutter developer Alhusin bin talal 2019-01-01ArrayAsp.net full stack course Flutter No experience Seeking for itDirecting my career Experience Yes0789504267sa2daboalhalawh@gmail.comhttp://sa2daboalhalawh@gmail.comJordan ZarqaNormal transport ArrayArrayArrayArray1735981051d95d43b0b2-IDDocument-inbound2900834746001013185.pdf1735981051d95d43b0b2-GraduationCertificate-inbound7377719621520429749.pdfNo2025-01-04 08:57:31
3449unreadHamdy22ArrayJordanian E-business Petra university 2025-02-05ArrayDigital marketing/Seo/IOT/UI UX/social media management Digital marketing Gain skillsTo gain enough knowledge about IOT and how to use it in real jobBecause I love how technology are changing the world to more efficient and more creative and I wanna be part of it. 0799236348hamdi_tayem@yahoo.comhttps://www.instagram.com/hamdi_tayem/profilecard/?igsh=YWdpa2hkOXNyNnYwAmmanMarj Al Hamam CarArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-12-27 12:14:19

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