3449 | unread | rahaf ayman ghneim | 22 | Array | jordan | Project planning and management | Applied balqa university | 2024-02-01 | Array | pmp
Digital Marketing | pmp
Digital Marketing | albank alhli 4month | nothing | | Personal growth, experience building, and lifelong learning | Personal growth, experience building, and lifelong learning | 0791753001 | | rahafghneim721@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahaf-ghneim-59827b293?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app | https://www.facebook.com/rahafghneim.rahafghneim.5?mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/rahafayman__?igsh=MWxybm9zeTJ3cTdneA== | jordan | amman | car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 17297756274bc625f817-IDDocument-Document-3-rahaf-2.pdf | 17297756274bc625f817-GraduationCertificate-rahaf-uni.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 13:13:47 |
3449 | unread | Saba Alotaibi | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Engineering | Al Balqa Applied University Engineering Technology College | 2024-02-13 | Array | Oracle (SQL)
Arduino uno | | | | | | | 0792325867 | | sabaalotaibi115@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Shafa badran | | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729775001982c186c0b-IDDocument-The-Hashemite-Kingdom-of-Jordan.pdf | 1729775001982c186c0b-GraduationCertificate-AL-BALQA-APPLIED-UNIVERSITY.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 13:03:21 |
3449 | unread | Mohammad Alzoubi | 20 | Array | Jordanian | Computer Engineering | Yarmouk University | 2028-06-24 | Array | | | | | The learning | I’m still studying at the University. | I would like to gain more information and experience in the field I study. | 0795699526 | | mohzoubi.05@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551706389134&mibextid=LQQJ4d | | Irbid | Aydon | The car or puplic transport | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-24 12:54:13 |
3449 | unread | Huthaifah Alshqirat | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Civil Engineering | Al-Hussein Bin Talal University | 2023-02-07 | Array | Autocad
حساب الكميات | مبادرة ولي العهد حقق
حاصل على شهادة الزماله في انا أشارك من مبادرات ولي العهد | Project management Engineering
Site Engineering | المشاركه مع مبادرات ولي العهد حفظه الله | كسب المزيد من الخبرات والاختلاط والتعرف على المجتمع | توجيه طاقات الشباب في الطريق الصحيح والاستفادة منها لصالح خدمة وطننا | لانه عندي قدره على الاتصال والتواصل مع الأشخاص بشكل جيد جدا وايضا بسبب الخبرات التي اكسبتني اياها مبادرات ولي العهد فهي تركز على صقل شخصيه الشاب الأردني وجعله في طليعة القاده | 0772376783 | | hothyfah2000@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Amman | المواصلات | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172977376060ce3177a4-IDDocument-I-am-sharing-الهويه-with-you.pdf | 172977376060ce3177a4-GraduationCertificate-I-am-sharing-Scan-24-Oct-24-15·38·46-with-you.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:42:40 |
3449 | unread | محمود محمد محمود العلي | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Cyber security | Yarmouk University | 2023-07-12 | Array | | | | | | Obtain new skills and experiences | I believe I am the right fit for this program because of my passion for Data Analytics and my desire to enhance my skills. I thrive in collaborative environments and view challenges as opportunities for growth. I am eager to leverage this program to achieve my goals and contribute to the field. | +962772113658 | | Mahmoudmalkawi460@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahmoud-alali-451a27265?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app | https://www.facebook.com/mahmud.malkawi.3?mibextid=ZbWKwL | | Irbid | Mansoura | Public transportation | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172977375286b55820e0-IDDocument-1000022180.pdf | 172977375286b55820e0-GraduationCertificate-1000022178.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:42:32 |
3449 | unread | Safaa Almhairat | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Software Engineer | Al-Balqa Applied University | 2022-02-02 | Array | Htu course data analysis | | | | | | | 0790140410 | | almhairatsafaa@gmail.com | | | | | | | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729772796ec7b5253cc-IDDocument-ID.pdf | 1729772796ec7b5253cc-GraduationCertificate-.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:26:36 |
3449 | unread | Tala Amer Salah Ali | 22 | Array | Jordanian | Social work | University of Jordan | 2024-07-27 | Array | Icdl
| Advanced digital marketing
Icdl course
Design course
Digital awareness course
Communication skills course
Creative thinking skills course | Working as a social researcher in many institution
Workshops in negotiation
Working in the crowd department of the Islamic society | Volunteer in king Hussein cancer center for 6 months
Volunteering in many activities with organizations | To developing my knowledge in data analysis | Giving me more information about data analysis | Because I feel that there is a benefit to working in this program from a professional standpoint, and because I want to develop my professional career and I believe that this program is able to help me in that. | 0791204770 | | talaali854@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/tala-ali-52b4b8264 | https://www.facebook.com/tala.amer.94?mibextid=ZbWKwL | https://www.instagram.com/tala_3ammer/profilecard/?igsh=MWg1eWZyYXZnOWMzcQ== | Amman | Alquesmeh | Public transportation | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172977277428506fa094-IDDocument--تالا-عامر.pdf | 172977277428506fa094-GraduationCertificate-.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:26:14 |
3449 | unread | Adham Aljammal | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Cyber security | Yarmouk university | 2023-07-24 | Array | Nothing | CCNA | Prefer not to say | Nothing | To gain more experience and additional skills and improve my communication skills | providing useful course about data analysis | Cause I want to learn something new | 0770586310 | | adam.aljamal@yandex.com | | | | Irbid | Alworrod | Private car | Array | Array | Array | Array | | 17297716802a01ecb4d9-GraduationCertificate-1.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:08:00 |
3449 | unread | ربا المدني | 25 | Array | اردنية | خدمة اجتماعية | جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية | 2021-06-01 | Array | Trained with Dot.Jo “Internship in Data Entry / Data Management / Typing “For 45 Days | • ICDL “Office 365”
• English Language For Digital Livelihoods “32 Hours “
Trained with Care.org “Work Preparedness/ Readiness” with 25 hours
Trained with Dot.jo “Digital Skills, career readiness and support program “with 16 hours
| ( 2021 - 2022 ) معلمة تربية اجتماعية في مدرسة تماضر بنت عمو
(2022-2023 ) معلمة دراسات اجتماعية في مدرسة طارق بن زياد
( 2022 - 2024 ) باحثة مكتبية مع مؤسسة مايندست | • Mujaddidun Jor Charity ( call center )
• All Jordan Youth Commission
• Dot Jordan ( data enter )
• Mindset
| ارى بأن مشاركتي معكم سيمنحني الفرصة للتطور والتقدم المهني , خاصة انه مناسب لمهاراتي وخبراتي التي اكتسبتها خلال مجالات عملي السابقة ,صحيح ان تخصصي الاساسي خدمة اجتماعية ولكنني مهتمه ايضا بتحليل البيانات وجمعها وادخالها وبدأت بتعلمها منذ مدة لانه شغفي الاساسي الان | آمل أن أتلقى التقدير على مساهماتي، وأن أحظى بالاستقرار الوظيفي والقدرة على النمو داخل الشركة . وعلى وجه التحديد، أتطلع إلى تقديم الدعم في هذا البرنامج. | لقد اكتسبت مجموعة من المهارات المتخصصة في المجال والمثالية لهذا المنصب تحديدًا بفضل عملي الجاد في الوظائف السابقة. كما أن لدي مجموعة واسعة من الخبرات في أقسام متعددة، لذلك أعرف كيفية التعامل مع العديد من المشكلات المختلفة. كما أنني منظم للغاية وأتمتع بحضور قوي وأجيد التواصل مع الأشخاص بكفاءة، لذا يمكنني تلقي الكثير من المكالمات أو القيام بعمل جيد في المواقف التي أقابل فيها الكثير من الأشخاص وجهًا لوجه. كما أنني على قدر عالٍ من المرونة، لذلك إذا حدث أي تغيير مفاجئ في جدولي الزمني، فسأكون قادرًا على استيعابه دون أن يؤدي ذلك إلى تباطؤ أدائي. | 0787646328 | | rubaalmadani360@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruba-almadani-3489b022a/ | https://web.facebook.com/ruba.almadani.7/ | https://www.instagram.com/ruba._.almadani/?next=%2F | الزرقاء | ياجوز / الرصيفة | سيارات او باصات | Array | Array | Array | Array | 17297713836485301a4c-IDDocument-.pdf | 17297713836485301a4c-GraduationCertificate--الجامعية.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 12:03:03 |
3449 | unread | Adham aljammal | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Cyber security CYS | Yarmouk university | 2023-07-24 | Array | … | CCNA | prefer not to say | Nothing | Gain more experience | gain new and additional skills from this course and improvement for communication skills | Cause I want to learn something new | 0770586310 | | adam.aljamal@yandex.com | | | | Irbid | Alworrod | Private car | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-24 11:58:17 |
3449 | unread | Asef Eyad Fahme Abu Alrob | 20 | Array | Jordan | Cyber security | Tafila Technical University | 2004-09-22 | Array | | PHP
Command kali | Web design, programming tools for cybersecurity on Kali system, encryption. | | | | | 00962781445731 | | asefabualrob12@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100021653393993&mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/asefabualrob/profilecard/?igsh=ajU2eXZ2NGJsNGxu | Irbid | Irbid | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 17297702182edf9adc72-IDDocument-Asefabualrob.pdf | | No | 2024-10-24 11:43:38 |
3449 | unread | Salah abo samak | 20 | Array | Palestine | Data analysis and analytics | Zaytoona university of Jordan | 2027-08-24 | Array | | | | | Curious | Gaining experience | | 0779591945 | | salahabosamak@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/salah.aldeen.9674/ | https://www.instagram.com/im.bazood/profilecard/?igsh=MWlheW00eXFwcml2YQ== | Amman | Jabal al Taj | Public transport | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-24 11:28:36 |
3449 | unread | Rami yamin | 22 | Array | Jordanian | Software engineering | Amman arab university | 2026-07-24 | Array | I have solid experience using SQL to manage and retrieve data from various databases. I’m skilled in writing complex queries to analyze data, extract meaningful insights, and optimize database performance. My knowledge includes crafting advanced SELECT statements, performing table joins, and using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses for data aggregation. I’m also proficient in managing data through INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations, as well as designing new tables and ensuring data integrity.
| I have basic experience in programming concepts, particularly in Java, covering fundamentals like variables, control structures, and functions. | Engaged in university projects, which included data analysis and also Java programming around the application of the acquired theories into practice | | Thus, I want to get enrolled in this program to improve my data analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) skills. I consider that working and gaining know-how experience in these practices will be universally beneficial to my vocation in the tech and innovation sector. Furthermore, I look forward to meeting professionals and peers with similar interests in a cutting-edge technology and how to apply it in practical situations. | I look forward to actively participating in data analysis and IoT, where I expect to develop my technical abilities as well as practicalise the theories learned. I am excited to be mentored by experienced industry professionals and work with other participants, as I believe it will expand my horizon and evoke creativity. Furthermore, I would like to establish a professional network that may enable me to seek employment prospects in the technology sector in the future. | | 0795137176 | | ramialshaikh96@yahoo.com | | https://www.facebook.com/rami.alshaikh.3956?mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/_rami_alshaikh_/profilecard/?igsh=MWk5MTVzbmR5ZHloMQ== | Amman | South marka | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729769166b778934cd9-IDDocument-IMG_3011.pdf | | No | 2024-10-24 11:26:06 |
3449 | unread | Wessam | 22 | Array | Jordanian | accounting | LTUC | 2025-02-25 | Array | | | | | | | | 0798382614 | | wessam.alaa.qatanani58@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Al krse | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-24 11:21:51 |
3449 | unread | Jomana alqannas | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Human nutrition and diets | Yje university of jordan | 2022-06-24 | Array | I assisted a doctor at the University of Jordan in the field of data analysis and collection | I received training at the Center of Nutritionists and Nutritional Counseling, the Consultant Hospital and several courses in the field of nutrition | I assisted a doctor at the University of Jordan in the field of data analysis and collection | I worked with the Ahl Al-Hima block at the University of Jordan during my studies and we conducted several activities and initiatives | To develop communication skills and to serve the community | Develop my skills in data analysis and provide the best service to the place | Because I see myself in this field and I am able to work accurately and leaders to learn any new skills and deal with the subject with easy | 0796488636 | | jomanaalqannas2@gmail.com | http://jomma/alqannas.co.uk | http://jomma/alqannas.co.uk | http://jomma/alqannas.co.uk | Amman | Almoqabalin | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729768833a2d103b663-IDDocument-IMG_8039.pdf | 1729768833a2d103b663-GraduationCertificate-IMG_8040.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 11:20:33 |
3449 | unread | Dania rami hiari | 22 | Array | Jordanian | Ai and data science | Al ahliyaa amman university | 2024-07-30 | Array | Python - Udemy
Data science _harvard university (remote)
Django course (logatta company)
| UCMAS -completed the 10 courses
| Logatta company (internship) 2023
Team leader (computeach) 2022
Bright kids summer camp 2021 | Scout leader at bunat alghad academy (co-leader) | Any opportunity that will improve my skills and enhance my learning will give me a motivation to apply for it .
I want to increase my experience with working on impactful projects in real world and find innovative ways to solve problems. | 1- To enhance my skills and to collaborate with helpful team .
2- working on impactful projects and improve my solving problem , decision making and programming abilities
3- working with different types of data and learn how to analyze it correctly by reducing errors and increasing accuracy.
| Because i have passion to my career and as fresh graduate i have the energy and responsibility to work on hard projects and always want to learn to give my best.
| 0798556973 | | hiaridania@gmail.com | http://linkedin.com/in/dania-alhiary-27605a278 | https://www.facebook.com/dania.alhiari.7?mibextid=LQQJ4d | | Amman | Shafa badran | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729768743ec74e09d6f-IDDocument-Scan-24-10-2024-14-17.pdf | 1729768743ec74e09d6f-GraduationCertificate-Document-254.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 11:19:03 |
3449 | unread | EMAD HASAN MOHAMMAD ARRASHEED | 32 | Array | JORDANIAN | COMPUTER INFORMATIEN SYSTEM | JETRASH | 2016-07-20 | Array | - IOT Certified Internet of Things Specialist | - ICDL
-Full Stack Developer Boot Camp Orange Academy for Programming | - Orange is a trainee programmer
- Qualty Assurance Company Decisive - Currently at my job
| - Training students at the university to use the e-learning system, as it was first used in 2013
-Participating in distributing food supplies during the month of Ramadan | -There are opportunities through the forum to contribute to initiatives and obtain a job opportunity | -Gaining knowledge and skills that qualify me for a job | -Because I completed my studies in this field and I have a desire to develop cognitively and scientifically in this field and to obtain a job in this field. | 00962777521264 | | emad25hassan@yahoo.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/emad-alrashed-a3236a120/ | | | jerash | jerash | Bus and car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729768653f1b0cc6dfb-IDDocument--عماد.pdf | 1729768653f1b0cc6dfb-GraduationCertificate--عماد.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 11:17:33 |
3449 | unread | Mohammed Al-Nawafleh | 27 | Array | Jordanian | Mechanical engineering | Balqa Applied University | 2023-06-24 | Array | | | | | | | | 0791509501 | | mohammedalnawafleh067@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/mohammed.nawafleh.77?mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/mohammedalnwafleh/profilecard/?igsh=dnI3dDBmM2pnd3hn | Ma’an | Petra wadi mosa | | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-24 11:17:03 |
3449 | unread | Mohammad Alhayajneh | 22 | Array | Jordanian | Artificial intelligence | University of Jordan | 2025-05-01 | Array | Iot, robotic, network, data Security, embedded system | Programming courses ,data analyst, Machine learning, deep learning, data mining, Object oriented Programming, Logic | Robot process automation, sql developer | Ieee, Volunteering with multiple teams in University of Jordan, volunteering with Independent Election Commission | Getting a new job and developing my skills | Enhancing my skills and expand my network | Because I have the knowledge and the basics and I’m a passionate person for learning | +962 785024891 | | mhmmad.alhayajneh@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammadalhayajneh?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004809210340&mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/mohammd_alhayajneh?igsh=ZGpzMWN4aGh3bzg4&utm_source=qr | Amman | Amman | Bus | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172976842387ff0a9d9f-IDDocument-Open-folder-Personal-data.pdf | | No | 2024-10-24 11:13:43 |
3449 | unread | Haneen Wahbeh | 22 | Array | Jordan | Banking and financial | Al balqa applied university | 2024-07-24 | Array | لا يوجد | لا يوجد | Cashier to company carrefour 1/7/2021-8/5/2022
Cashier to company abu odeh brothers al ryhan 17/1/2023-29/6/2024
Account manager company to one world markets 1/8/2024-1/10/2024 | | بناء علاقات جديده وتطوير الذات | الابداع واكتساب الخبرات | | 0785513972 | | haneenwahbeh9@icloud.com | http://linkedin.com/in/haneen- wahbeh-36192a215 | https://www.facebook.com/haneen.wahbe?mibextid=LQQJ4d | https://www.instagram.com/haneen_wahbe?igsh=eXdobGIxZmlnZndk&utm_source=qr | Amman | Gardens | Uber | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729768006294d80153a-IDDocument-haneen.pdf | 1729768006294d80153a-GraduationCertificate-haneens-CV.pdf | No | 2024-10-24 11:06:46 |