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DigiSkills Subscription form entries

Form IDcfdb7_statusyour-nameageGenderNationalitySpecializationuniversityGraduationYearApplyForRelatedCoursesGeneralCoursesProfessionalExperiencesVolunteerExperiencesReasonforParticipationWhatDoYouExpectfromThisProgramWhyDoYouThinkYouAretheRightPersonforThisProgramContactNumberContactNumber-country-codeyour-emailLinkedInProfileFacebookProfileInstagramProfileGovernorateResidentialAreaTransportationUsedCurrentlyEmployedPreviouslyEmployedAvailableFull-timeAbletoAttendIn-personCoursesinAmmanIDDocumentcfdb7_fileGraduationCertificatecfdb7_filemc4wp_checkboxSubmission Date
3449unreadduaa hamed22ArrayJordan jordanthe hashemite university 2024-06-13Arraydoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.comdoaa7407@gmail.com077741970doaa7407@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArray172925781459fed0fbc5-IDDocument-C.V-1.pdf172925781459fed0fbc5-GraduationCertificate-CE.pdfNo2024-10-18 13:23:34
3449unreadSafa' Haimour 33ArrayJordanian Computer Science World Islamic Science Education University 2018-01-23Array0786659335safaa.haimour@yahoo.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/safa-haimour-772952152?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_appArrayArrayArrayArray1729257791df62b1b5c5-IDDocument-safa-asp.net_.pdfNo2024-10-18 13:23:11
3449unreadMaysaa Suliman Aburub 34ArrayJordanian Power electrical engineer Yarmouk 2013-10-18ArrayNothing Isoo9001Project coordinator Nothing Unskilled Know how to making data analysis Hard worker 0792683937Maisa.1990@hotmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/maysa-aburub?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_apphttps://www.facebook.com/maysaa.aburub?mibextid=ZbWKwLIrbid IrbidBuses ArrayArrayArrayArray17292556822b8adeabd0-IDDocument--الشخصية.pdf17292556822b8adeabd0-GraduationCertificate--الجامعة.pdfNo2024-10-18 12:48:02
3449unreadMoath AL-Afeshat25ArrayJordania Mechatronics Engineering German Jordanian University 2024-06-30Array0798363963Muathzaid98@gmail.comMarj alhamamBusArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 12:25:33
3449unreadAya Alaqeel24Array 🇯🇴 Chemical engineering GJU2025-02-01ArraySearching for jobs opportunities A job I’m eager and excited for the experience and learning from this project 0772323820ayaalaqeel00@outlook.comArrayArrayArrayArray17292541478f2d9a1bdf-IDDocument-WhatsApp-Image-2023-11-28-at-22.12.05_97d1b604.pdfNo2024-10-18 12:22:27
3449unreadShahd Mohammad Zghoul26ArrayJordanianApplied mathematics Al-Balqa Applied University2021-02-01ArrayNAMy professional experiences have primarily revolved around data analysis and quality control. I worked as a Quality Control Specialist at Ipsos for over a year, where I ensured data accuracy and maintained high standards in data collection processes. This role allowed me to develop strong analytical skills, as I frequently conducted detailed reviews and audits of data, identifying inconsistencies and implementing corrective measures. Additionally, I collaborated with different teams to improve workflows and enhance overall project quality.NAMy reason for participating is to improve my data analysis skills and gain practical experience. This program aligns with my career goals, offering the opportunity to learn advanced techniques, enhance project management efficiency, and apply new knowledge in real-world situations.I expect to gain advanced data analysis skills, learn new tools and methodologies, and improve my ability to manage and interpret data efficiently. Additionally, I hope to build a strong professional network, receive mentorship from experts in the field, and apply the knowledge gained to real-world projects to enhance my career prospects.believe I am the right candidate for this program due to my strong background in Applied Mathematics and my professional experience as a Quality Control Specialist, where I worked extensively with data analysis. I am committed to enhancing my data analysis skills and expanding my practical knowledge in this field. This program aligns perfectly with my goals of improving my analytical abilities and advancing in project management efficiency. My combination of academic qualifications, practical experience, and eagerness to grow makes me an ideal fit for this opportunity.0777952722Shahd.zghoul98@gmail.comAjlounPublic transportation ArrayArrayArrayArray1729253867997ff9efe1-IDDocument--شهد-2.pdf1729253867997ff9efe1-GraduationCertificate--الجامعه-مصدقه-1_compressed.pdfNo2024-10-18 12:17:47
3449unreadYousef Zarara 23ArrayJordanianBusiness Administration Yarmouk University 2024-09-19ArrayNone Project management Time management Founding and owning a clothing store for five years None yetTo enhance my skills and enrich my experience in the field of data analysis, as it closely intersects with the position I want to occupy in the near future. I am interested in the field of data analysis, understanding it, and writing reports, so that I can benefit the company I want to work for.1. Expanded knowledge. 2. Skill development. 3. Networking with experts. 4. Experience sharing. 5. Understanding practical applications.Because I am interested in the field of data analysis, and it also serves my ambition in this field.0796086309yousefzarara@outlook.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/yousef-zararahttps://www.facebook.com/share/1D2nQ2bDBf/?mibextid=qi2Omghttps://www.instagram.com/yousef.zarara?igsh=cmZ5NWlreDU5dng3Amman Jabal al-qusurTaxi ArrayArrayArrayArray17292537310e9dd05127-IDDocument-ID.pdf17292537310e9dd05127-GraduationCertificate-IMG_20241018_151310-1.pdfNo2024-10-18 12:15:31
3449unreadمحمد هزايمة 26Arrayالأردنية Mathematics اربد الاهلية 2023-10-18Arrayلدي مهارات الحاسوب، القدرة على التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بطلاقة. مهارات القيادة. الالتزام بالوقت. تحمل ضغوط العمل. تحمل المسؤولية. مهارات الاتصال والتواصل، استخدام الكمبيوتر وبرامج مايكروسوفت معلمة رياضيات مبدعة، ذات خبرة واسعة في مجال التعليم. قمت بتصميم ودمج خطط الدروس بناءً على المناهج من الروضة إلى المدرسة الثانوية. أنا مبتكرة وأبحث عن وظيفة تمنحني الفرصة لإلهام وتحفيز الطلاب في الرياضيات.0 الدورات التدريبية دورة طرق التدريس الحديثة، دورة تدريب المدربين TOT، دورة مهارات التواصل، دورة Office 365‏ - دورة مهارات القيادة، دورة التطوير التربوي، دورة جسور التعلم، دورة مهارات التطوير المهني، دورة مهارات تحديد الأهداف وإدارة الذات، الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلي (ICDL)، دورات في اللغة الإنجليزية "مهارات المحادثة" 3 مستويات، دورة أدوات التعلم عن بعد: منصة التعلم، "NOORSPACE" الإلكترونية وأدوات مايكروسوفت تيمزالخبرة الوظيفية ثلاث سنوات خبرة في التدريس (2021-2024) مدرسة الحارث الثانوية مدرسة عز الدين أسامة مدرسة درة الفاروق النموذجيةتنمية المهارات التحليلية والمهارات الرقمية+962776283440Moahammedhazaymeh8@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/mohammed.haz1?mibextid=ZbWKwLhttps://www.instagram.com/mohammed_hazaymeh?igsh=YjNrYXNvOHE3cnloعجلون كفرنجةسياره ArrayArrayArrayArray1729253430e846bbca42-IDDocument-.pdf1729253430e846bbca42-GraduationCertificate--ماجستير-1.pdfNo2024-10-18 12:10:30
3449unreadAyham saber allawanseh26Arrayاردنيهكيمياءجامعة البلقاء التطبيقيه2023-02-18Arrayمحاسبهمحاسبه0772047423ayhanch98@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 11:26:52
3449unreadMarwan subhi fahid alnairat 27ArrayJordanianManagement information system Balqa Applied University 2020-02-08ArrayIn the lot. I look forward to improving my skills in data analysis and learning new ways I expect when completing the course, my knowledge will be enough to get involved in the labor market. Because I have good knowledge in data analysis in python and Excel 0790551095marwanalnairat@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/marwan-al-nairat-822754135?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_appAmmanWadi alseer I have a car. ArrayArrayArrayArray17292502834ee6311122-IDDocument-Marwan-alnairat_241.pdf17292502834ee6311122-GraduationCertificate-Marwan-alnairat_.pdfNo2024-10-18 11:18:03
3449unreadTamara Abu-Ghazaleh22ArrayJordanianComputer ScienceThe Hashemite University2025-01-01ArrayI am a trainee at the moment in an ERP department and CRM I am so much into working with data and i think this opportunity will be a good step and help me achieve what i want.To be qualified to work as a data analyst after this program and with some training i can occupy a good position Personally i see my self a rapid learner and i have an ability to do anything if i learn it or work with it , and for my interests this program hopefully helps me get the knowledge i need0792429142log_321@yahoo.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/tamara-abu-ghazaleh-2b03122a3?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_apphttps://www.facebook.com/tamara762?mibextid=LQQJ4dhttps://www.instagram.com/tamara.762/profilecard/?igsh=b2hlODdjNzRva3NrAmmanMarj Al-HammamPublic transportation , car ride appsArrayArrayArrayArray1729248953105ef666cd-IDDocument-IMG_1531.pdfNo2024-10-18 10:55:53
3449unreadFarah ali odeh 23ArrayJordanian Telecommunication engineering Balqa Applied University Faculty of Engineering 2024-08-24Array0796965179 Farahodeh400@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 10:46:42
3449unreadKhawla fares suliman shraiteh 23ArrayJordanian JUST2024-08-29Arrayلدي الكثير من التطوعات سواء بالأيام الطبية ، مساعدة كبار السن ، إفطار وكسوة. الأيتام زيادة مهاراتي وخبراتي وإتاحة الفرصة أمامي نحو الإبداعأتوقع أن أحصل على الهدف الذي أسعى اليه أنا إنسانه ملتزمة شغوفة تحب استطلاع كل ما هو جديد والدخول بالتحديات الكبيرة والوصول للهدف 0797908704khawlashraiteh7@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/share/F1oU2iGAsivA1MUp/https://www.instagram.com/duhafares01?igsh=MTluM3dqa3VwaWg3Yw==ZarqaAl zawahreh Taxi's & bus's ArrayArrayArrayArray1729245602fd9feae9ae-IDDocument-ID.pdf1729245602fd9feae9ae-GraduationCertificate--1.pdfNo2024-10-18 10:00:02
3449unreadKhawla fares suliman shraiteh 23ArrayJordanian JUST2024-08-29Array0797908704khawlashraiteh7@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/share/F1oU2iGAsivA1MUp/https://www.instagram.com/duhafares01?igsh=MTluM3dqa3VwaWg3Yw==ZarqaAl zawahreh Bus's & Taxi's ArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 09:43:37
3449unreadKinan Radaideh21ArrayJordanianNetworks & Information Security EngineeringPSUT2026-06-15ArraySignals & Systems Computer Networks Wireless Networks (current) Communication Principles (current)Calculus 1, 2, 3 Applied Probability & Statistics Electronics I Information Security Fundamentals Scientific Research Methods Etc.April 2024 - June 2024 Cade, Amman (remote) - IoT Intern - Researched and planned implementations for several IoT solutions December 2022 - May 2023 EduHax, Amman - Education & Automation Officer ● Implemented a data migration process with the use of file-parsing APIs in Python and the Pandas data analysis library. ● Designed a smart Automated Item Generation (AIG) system using Python and data analysis libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, generating thousands of adaptive and intelligent questions of varying difficulty and types. ● Created an optimal educational curriculum consisting of training in fundamental math skills for children and adults, and generated the appropriate questions. ● Built ten interactive quiz-like levels for a mathematics educational game in the Unity Game Engine.September 2024 - PRESENT Google Student Group, Amman - Head of Logistics & Event Planning June 2023 - June 2024 Overflow Student Club, Amman - Technical Mentor & Language Division Head Overflow is a Student Club at PSUT made to teach students topics in tech that are not covered by the traditional university system. ● Worked with a team to prepare and teach a beginners' Python course to over 40 university students. ● Managed a team of 6 to coordinate the planning and teaching of beginner and intermediate courses in Python and Java. ● Wrote, implemented, and graded a final assessment for students of Python courses. ● Planned and taught a course titled Data Analysis in Python, containing lessons on NumPy, Pandas, and Seaborn. ● Organized and developed seminars on technical topics such as prompt engineering and quantum computing. June 2023 - June 2024 PSUT Economics Society, Amman - Head of Research & Academic Development The PSUT Economics Society is a student society that aims to educate students on economics and its related themes. ● Researched, wrote, and published on social media content related to fundamental economic topics such as supply & demand. ● Prepared, wrote, and presented in front of an audience of 50 content related to economics-themed events in 2023. ● Brainstormed and prepared explanatory content on various topics such as banking, trade, and micro-economics.As a fourth year engineering student at PSUT, I am currently studying wireless networks at university and privately studying Curtin University's IoT MicroMasters on EdX, and I have found that this burgeoning new field is one of great possibility and innovation that I am deeply fascinated by. I would love to take the next step to upgrade my knowledge of IoT, which I have found to be among the most fascinating fields within tech in recent years. I expect to learn about the technical and practical details of IoT, including how IoT devices are selected & programmed, and how to design the appropriate IoT networks for the desired use case, as well as these networks utilize IoT-specific protocols & technologies. I also expect, to a lesser extent, to learn about some aspects of the history of IoT, as well as its business applications and examples of how IoT has been implemented to real-world problems.I am an avid learner and I am proactive in my own self-development, which is why I have extensive experience in both volunteering and industry in internship positions. For example, I learned python and its data analysis suite of frameworks independently to a degree that, years later, I was able to teach them to 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students of various engineering and technical fields, including data science. However, today, I am most interested in IoT & wireless networks and I am looking for training program to help streamline and more more thorough my learning process - and I would commit to any learning program I sign up to, especially one in as interesting a field as IoT. I am a full time student, so I would be able to attend the courses only part-time.0795043391kinan.s.radaideh@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/kinan-radaideh-95536322b/AmmanDabouqPrivate transportationArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 09:26:55
3449unreadEman Omar 26ArrayJordanian Biomedical engineer The Hashimt university 2020-06-26ArrayAutoCAD MATLAB Medical purchasing officer Teaching To learn more knowledge and I hope this project help me to find a job.Increase the chance to get a jobMaching the project gools 0796191107imantalafeeh@gmail.comAmmanMarkah ArrayArrayArrayArray17292413375c9ae49028-IDDocument--هوية.pdf17292413375c9ae49028-GraduationCertificate--الجامعة.pdfNo2024-10-18 08:48:57
3449unreadHala abu Hdaib 29ArrayJordanianChemistryAl- Balqa' Applied University2017-06-21Arrayلاطور من نفسي 0772545710 halaaa.bahaaa@gmail.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/hala-abu-hdaib-9320b82b7?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_apphttps://www.facebook.com/hala.abuhdaib.5?mibextid=ZbWKwLhttps://www.instagram.com/halabuhdaib/profilecard/?igsh=MWo4eHhrYzV5cXIyOQ==Al balqaالسلط الصبيحي Car and busArrayArrayArrayArray1729241008a94aa5d8c5-GraduationCertificate-CamScanner-١٨-١٠-٢٠٢٤-١١.٤١.pdfNo2024-10-18 08:43:28
3449unreadHadeel ahmad khreisat33ArrayJordanianComputer science AL BALQA APPLIED UNIVERSITY2013-06-01Array0775209606h.kh_91@hotmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/hadeel.khraisat.7?mibextid=ZbWKwLhttps://www.instagram.com/hadeel_khreisat/profilecard/?igsh=N2w0dHJqb2h4a2R1MadabaWestern MamouniyaArrayArrayArrayArray17292395139001ee8289-IDDocument-inbound6051577462955065669.pdf17292395139001ee8289-GraduationCertificate-inbound913347436314439516.pdfNo2024-10-18 08:18:33
3449unreadBayan Alsawaeer23ArrayJordanian AI&Robotics Albalqaa Applied university 2023-06-18Array0798991864bayanimad18@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArray1729238468315e64e74c-IDDocument-CvBayan.pdf1729238468315e64e74c-GraduationCertificate-Certificate-2.pdfNo2024-10-18 08:01:08
3449unreadahmad amro24Arrayأردنيجامعة البلقاء التطبيقية 2022-08-23Array0786770392hamodehamro10@gmail.comArrayArrayArrayArrayNo2024-10-18 07:44:12

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