3449 | unread | Islam Shawabkeh | 27 | Array | Jordanian | Software Engineering | Hashimate University | 2019-06-20 | Array | | | | | To improve my skills and knowledge in Data Science .And to build my career path | More knowledge in Data science.
Improve my technical skills .
| I’m self-learner ,motivated and fast learner .
My experience as Oracle and Database developer may make me fit for this opportunity. | 0790639626 | | islamshawabkeh12@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Amman | Taxi or Uber .
Sometimes ,I can use my own car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729447052d65fc1bc2b-IDDocument-Scanned-Document-2.pdf | 1729447052d65fc1bc2b-GraduationCertificate-Certificate-cv-.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 17:57:32 |
3449 | unread | Ahmad Mohmmad Alamoush | 30 | Array | الاردنية | هندسة مدنية | الجامعة الهاشمية | 2017-01-18 | Array | PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan
Cert Prep: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) ®, I Certify Training. Udemy.
Project planning & scheduling, Hashemite University |
• Construction Supervision Training Program, JEA, Amman, Jordan
• STAAD Pro course, Hashemite University.
• Diploma of Non-Destructive Testing Technology, JICA, Amman, Jordan.
• Design of concrete columns, JEA, Zarqa, Jordan.
• Introduction to Safety Engineering, JEA, Zarqa, Jordan.
• OSHA Safety Pro delivered by James Neil, Udemy.
• Design of public spaces using Mine Craft application, UN-Habitat Regional office for Arab states,
• Employability Skills Program, Dale Carnegie Training, Zarqa, Jordan.
• Emotional Intelligence, Canadian Training Center of Human Development, Zarqa, Jordan | Jordanian Emirates refugee camp / Emirates Red Crescent From september2018 to 6/2024. Parttime planning and procurement engineer.
• Preparing the annual work plan and identify the needs of the camp.
• Selecting the appropriate suppliers who will supply various goods, materials, and equipment and preparing
supply contracts.
• Supervise the execution of supply contracts and control the quality of the supplied materials and make sure
that they comply with the specifications.
• Reducing waste and dispersion in the supply chain and procurement.
• Preparing baseline programs for maintenance and expansion works inside the camp periodically.
• Tracking & Monitoring of the Work.
• Preparation of man power Calculation & utilization schedule
• Application of Agile management methodology in site management.
❖ Freelance Planning Engineer, from April 2017 to Present- Planning Engineer.
• Preparing Baselines programs for Medium& small projects.
• Tracking & Monitoring of the Work.
• Preparing Planning Reports.
• Preparation of project Cash flow.
• Preparation of man power Calculation & utilization schedule.
❖ Taha Abu Loze Consulting office, from February 2017 to August 2018-supervising engineer.
• Implementation, supervision works include concrete works from foundation work to finish work.
• Foreman.
• Calculation of Quantities.
• Follow up the engineering’ drawings in the Engineers’ Association & Civil Defense Association &Amman
‘Municipality | *Assisted in organizing the “Medical Open Day” at Hashemite city in 2016.
• Assisted in organizing the “Municipal elections” at Hashemite city in 2017.
• Attending the smart mobility for Better Cities conference in Amman in 2018.
• Attending the Pocket Gamer Connections conference at Amman in 2019.
• Attending the first Jordan international virtual conference on chemical process safety at Amman in 2021. | نظرًا لخلفيتي في الهندسة المدنية وخبرتي العملية في إدارة المشاريع وجدولتها باستخدام برنامج بريمافيرا، أدركت أهمية تحليل البيانات في تعزيز اتخاذ القرارات وتحسين كفاءة العمليات. بصفتي مسؤولًا عن جدولة المشاريع وضمان تزامن المهام المختلفة في المشروعات الهندسية، أتعامل مع كميات كبيرة من البيانات المتعلقة بالزمن والتكلفة والموارد.
أرغب في تحسين مهاراتي في تحليل البيانات لتطبيقها بشكل فعّال في مجال إدارة المشاريع. يمكن لتحليل البيانات أن يساعدني في تحسين التنبؤات المتعلقة بمدة المشروعات، والميزانيات، وكفاءة استخدام الموارد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتيح لي تحليل البيانات استخلاص رؤى قيّمة تساعدني في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة تعزز جودة العمل وتسهم في تقليل المخاطر وتحقيق أهداف المشروع بفعالية أكبر.
أعتقد أن هذا التدريب سيكون فرصة لاكتساب مهارات جديدة ومكملة لما لدي من خبرة في إدارة المشاريع، وسيساعدني في تعزيز قدراتي وتحقيق نجاحات أكبر في هذا المجال. | اتوقع العديد من الامور و اههمها :
اكتساب مهارات التحليل الأساسية:
تعلم كيفية جمع وتنظيم البيانات من مصادر مختلفة.
فهم الأساليب الإحصائية المستخدمة في تحليل البيانات.
تعلم استخدام الأدوات والبرامج الخاصة بتحليل البيانات مثل Excel، وPython، وSQL.
التعرف على أدوات وبرامج التحليل:
تعلم كيفية استخدام برامج متقدمة مثل Power BI أو Tableau لإنشاء تصورات بيانية احترافية تسهم في توضيح الأفكار والمخرجات.
التدريب على لغات برمجة تحليل البيانات مثل Python وR لتطوير حلول تحليلية متقدمة.
تطبيق مفاهيم التحليل في الحياة العملية:
تحليل البيانات المتعلقة بالمشاريع مثل الزمن، التكلفة، والموارد.
تحسين طرق اتخاذ القرارات بناءً على التحليل الفعلي للبيانات المتاحة.
التعلم من خلال مشاريع عملية:
تنفيذ مشاريع تحليل بيانات حقيقية، مما يمنحك خبرة مباشرة في التعامل مع مشكلات واقعية.
تحسين مهاراتك في حل المشكلات والتفكير النقدي.
تحسين قدرات التنبؤ واتخاذ القرار:
تعلم كيفية استخدام تقنيات التنبؤ (Forecasting) والنماذج التنبؤية لتحليل الاتجاهات المستقبلية.
تحسين استراتيجيات اتخاذ القرار بناءً على البيانات والأنماط المكتشفة.
التواصل من خلال البيانات:
تعلم كيفية تقديم تقارير واضحة ومقنعة بناءً على النتائج التي توصلت إليها، سواء للفرق التقنية أو غير التقنية.
استخدام الرسوم البيانية والتصورات البيانية لجعل البيانات أكثر فهمًا وأثرًا.
التعرف على أفضل الممارسات في تحليل البيانات:
تعلم تقنيات تنظيف وتحضير البيانات لضمان دقة النتائج.
فهم القضايا الأخلاقية والمخاطر المتعلقة بالتعامل مع البيانات. | عتقد أنني الشخص المناسب لهذا البرنامج لأنني أمتلك خلفية قوية في مجال الهندسة المدنية وإدارة المشاريع، بالإضافة إلى خبرتي العملية في استخدام برنامج بريمافيرا في تخطيط وجدولة المشاريع. هذا يمنحني فهمًا عميقًا لأهمية البيانات في تحسين العمليات واتخاذ القرارات المدروسة في البيئات الهندسية.
أنا معتاد على التعامل مع كميات كبيرة من البيانات المتعلقة بالزمن، التكلفة، والموارد، وأدرك الحاجة لتحليل هذه البيانات بفعالية من أجل تحسين كفاءة المشاريع. ومع ذلك، أطمح إلى تعزيز قدراتي التحليلية من خلال التدريب المتخصص في تحليل البيانات، حتى أتمكن من استغلال إمكانيات البيانات بشكل أعمق وأكثر دقة.
شغفي المستمر بالتعلم، ومهاراتي التنظيمية، وتطبيقي الدقيق للبيانات في إدارة المشاريع تجعلني قادرًا على الاستفادة بشكل كبير من هذا البرنامج وتطبيق ما سأتعلمه في مجالي الحالي. هدفي هو تطوير قدراتي التحليلية لاستخراج رؤى دقيقة تُسهم في تحسين جودة المشاريع وتقليل المخاطر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أنا مستعد للعمل الجاد وتطبيق المفاهيم المكتسبة بطريقة مبتكرة، مما يجعلني إضافة قيّمة لهذا البرنامج. | +962777462879 | | ahmedaa070@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmad-alamoush6666/ | | | الزرقاء | الزرقاء -الهاشمية | المواصلات العامة | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729446400a32ce77a42-IDDocument--.pdf | 1729446400a32ce77a42-GraduationCertificate--الجامعه.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 17:46:40 |
3449 | unread | Mujahedah Baniismael | 31 | Array | Jordanian | Biomedical informatics engineering | Yarmouk university | 2016-08-01 | Array | Sql
C# | ICDl
Data entry | | | I am highly interested in learning data analysis | I expect this program will feed me with strong knowledge in data analysis and how to be professional data analyst after intensive training. | Because I am a person who cares about details and data and I have good knowledge in mathematics and programming especially what I learned in my field of study, medical informatics engineering. | 0775946084 | | Mojaheda_ismael@yahoo.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mujahedah-ababneh-31622a143 | | | Amman | Amman | | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729443302280830be2d-IDDocument--مجاهده_compressed-1.pdf | 1729443302280830be2d-GraduationCertificate-.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 16:55:02 |
3449 | unread | Shatha | 32 | Array | Jordanian | Physics | HU | 2014-09-20 | Array | | | | | | | | 0772958554 | | shatha.trakiah88@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Bader aljadedeh | | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 16:25:10 |
3449 | unread | Khalid Almomani | 36 | Array | Jordanian | Computer Information System | Al Albaiyt | 2012-09-03 | Array | • Advance Microsoft Excel;
From Management Laws Business Solutions (MBS), (20) hours from 20/06/2021 to 24/06/2021. | • ICDL;
For 7 modules developed by ICDL foundation which award in Jordan by SPECTO company, 24-Dec-2020.
• IT-Essentials Course;
From CISCO, during the period 13/01/2013 – 31/01/2013.
| I have worked at JOHUD for two years as field operation assistant, to implement day-to-day activities of a project funded by the World Food Program WFP, to provide nutrition-sensitive food assistance to refugees and other crisis-affected populations and ensuring the smoothly running for the help desks, communicating with People of Concern POCs about critical information related to food assistance, during this period I was responsible of Irbid, Jarash and Ajloun offices.
The most my experiences were at Jordan River Foundation JRF for more 7 years as project coordinator with multi-tasks in logistic, administratively, management and budgeting, I worked on Makani project which funded by UNICEF as project coordinator to provide free safe spaces for children with educational, skills, and child protection services, during this period I had been the supervisor for 12 employees technically and 15 CBO's administratively | At Jordan Education Initiative (JEI);
As a technical support in public schools, also my worked included community services as life skills facilitator, during the period from 01/09/2013 till 31/08/2014.
| Developing my analytical skills which helps me improve the quality of my work which is concerned with analyzing data and inputs to produce the best quality content. | Ability to analyze numerical and textual data that helps in making appropriate decisions to solve problems. | According to my work, which is humanitarian work in the field of humanitarian organizations, in addition to my specialization in computer information systems, which requires me to analyze data and make appropriate decisions. | 0788353192 | | kh-almomani@hotmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/khalid-almomani-2337981b4 | | | Amman and Irbid | Amman and Irbid | buses | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 16:12:18 |
3449 | unread | Fatima Abdullatif Ersan | 23 | Array | Jordanian | Industrial Engineering | Yarmouk University | 2024-07-04 | Array | Microsoft Excel
Power BI
| Professional project management
Managing Supply Chain Risks
Microsoft Excel and Power BI | Ministry of Public Works and Housing Amman
Trainee in accreditation and ISO department 02/2024 - 06/2024
Assisting in preparing and updating accreditation and ISO documents (ISO9001, ISO17025).
Participating in internal audits to ensure compliance with standards.
Supporting work teams in implementing improvement procedures.
Cooperating with different departments to ensure the application of accreditation and ISO
standards. | Industrial team Yu
Media and Public relations 2019 - 2024
Developed compelling content, including graphics, videos, and blog posts.
Worked with team members to plan and execute social media campaigns, events, and other initiatives. | I am participating in this program to build practical skills and gain hands-on experience in data analysis. As a recent industrial engineering graduate, I recognize the importance of data-driven decision-making in various industries. My goal is to enhance my ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data, which will allow me to contribute to optimizing processes and improving business outcomes. This training will help me bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, providing me with the tools and confidence to excel in the field of data analysis and pursue a successful career in this domain.
| From this program, I expect to develop a solid foundation in data analysis techniques and tools, such as data visualization, statistical analysis, and working with large datasets. I am looking forward to learning how to use software like Excel, Power BI, to analyze and interpret data effectively. Additionally, I hope to gain practical experience by working on real-life case studies or projects that simulate industry challenges. My expectation is that this program will help me improve my analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling me to turn raw data into meaningful insights that drive decision-making in organizations. Ultimately, I aim to leave the program with the confidence and technical expertise required to pursue a successful career in data analysis.
| I believe I am the right candidate for this program due to my academic background in industrial engineering and my strong analytical skills. Throughout my studies, I have worked on various projects that involved data collection, process optimization, and decision-making based on quantitative analysis. These experiences have given me a solid understanding of how data can be leveraged to improve operational efficiency and support strategic decisions.
Moreover, my enthusiasm for data analysis and my commitment to learning new tools and techniques make me a perfect fit for this program. I am highly motivated to expand my knowledge of data analysis tools such as Power BI and Excel, and I am confident that I can quickly apply the skills I acquire to real-world scenarios. My strong problem-solving abilities, combined with my passion for technology, will enable me to excel in this field and contribute positively to the program. | 0788751801 | | ersanfatima1@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatima-ersan-92b8791bb | | | Irbid | Aydoun | I use a variety of transportation methods, including personal car, taxis, and public transportation, depending on the situation and convenience.
| Array | Array | Array | Array | 17294399572e6879b485-IDDocument-WhatsApp-Image-2024-10-20-at-6.36.40-PM.pdf | 17294399572e6879b485-GraduationCertificate-WhatsApp-Image-2024-10-20-at-6.36.39-PM.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 15:59:17 |
3449 | unread | Hisham Naser Abu-Ghazaleh | 23 | Array | Jordan | Mechatronics Engineering | University of Jordan | | Array | | | | | | | | 0790520092 | | hishamabugzalhju@gmail.com | | | | | | | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 15:56:38 |
3449 | unread | Qosai Nafea | 27 | Array | Jordanian | Computer science | Al Balqaa Applied University (BAU) | 2020-01-05 | Array | Smart Industry Readiness Index
Industry 4.0 fundamental | | Digital transformation consultant with 3 experience in industrial field and IT. | | To enhance my knowledge and skills in IOT | I think my knowledge and skills increase in this project to help the manufacturing industry to implement new technologies | Because I'm already working with this field and I have a start point of my career | 0792843252 | | Nafeaqosai@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/qusai-nafea-a8aabb1a0?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app | | | Amman | Tariq | My car | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 15:45:00 |
3449 | unread | Saba A. Abualhija | 32 | Array | Jordanian | Computer information system | Yarmouk university | 2014-10-10 | Array | With a Bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems and a Master’s in E-business, I bring a blend of technical and business skills that align well with IoT. My CIS background has given me solid expertise in data management, system development, and cybersecurity, essential for IoT efficiency and security. My E-business degree has deepened my understanding of how technology can drive business growth, particularly through automation and data-driven strategies. This mix of technical know-how and business insight allows me to see both the practical and strategic value of IoT, making me well-suited for this internship.
PhP, Oracle , C++ , obj Oriented , | With a Bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems and a Master’s in E-business, I bring a blend of technical and business skills that align well with IoT. My CIS background has given me solid expertise in data management, system development, and cybersecurity, essential for IoT efficiency and security. My E-business degree has deepened my understanding of how technology can drive business growth, particularly through automation and data-driven strategies. This mix of technical know-how and business insight allows me to see both the practical and strategic value of IoT, making me well-suited for this internship.
Information system
data structure
Environment System
data mining
| Throughout my career, I have effectively combined my technical expertise in Computer Information Systems (CIS) with my skills in education and training, allowing me to apply this knowledge across various fields. With my Bachelor's degree in CIS, I developed a strong foundation in data management, programming, and systems analysis, which enabled me to design and implement integrated information systems. For example, my university project on creating a reservation system using SQL and PHP honed my ability to build and develop intelligent technological solutions.
This technical expertise has been invaluable in roles such as my position as a Training Specialist at Amazon, where I utilized data analysis and curriculum development to enhance learning strategies. Additionally, as a Lecturer in Business Information Technology at Princess Sumaya University for Technology, I developed comprehensive educational content and facilitated industry expert guest lectures to provide students with real-world applications of technology.
My CIS skills have also extended beyond teaching, contributing to the development of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and ensuring the effectiveness and security of educational processes through data management and cybersecurity techniques. This blend of technical knowledge and practical application in educational and operational environments positions me to effectively adapt to IoT demands and develop technological solutions that meet current market needs. | I have engaged in various volunteer activities that have enriched my skills and professional experience. I served as a **UN Volunteer** in a USAID “Tech Creativity Camp,” focusing on entrepreneurship skills. Additionally, I completed a **Software Training Internship**, where I delivered full-time training sessions for a month. I also acted as a **Firefox Ambassador** at Yarmouk University, training students on the use of the platform. Furthermore, I completed a **TOT (Training of Trainers)** program in 2015, honing my ability to teach and train others effectively. These experiences have significantly enhanced my teamwork, leadership, and training capabilities, preparing me for a multicultural and dynamic professional environment. | the chance to gain in-demand skills in a fast-growing field. With IoT transforming industries, it will enhance both my technical and business knowledge. My background in Computer Information Systems and E-business allows me to combine system development with business applications, enabling smart, connected solutions that drive innovation. This course will future-proof my career, positioning me to contribute to data-driven systems that solve real-world challenges and promote business growth. | I’ll gain a solid understanding of how IoT systems work, covering key topics like sensors, hardware, communication protocols, cloud computing, and data analytics. I’ll also get hands-on experience with tools like edge computing and cloud integration. The program may include case studies from industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and smart cities, showing how IoT is driving innovation. By the end, I’ll be equipped to design, implement, and manage IoT systems, helping to improve efficiency and data-driven decision-making in various sectors. | I believe I'm the right person for this program because of my solid background in computer information systems, combined with my passion for technology and innovation. My experience working in IT, along with my recent focus on data science and machine learning, aligns well with the core areas of this program. I am eager to expand my knowledge and practical skills in IoT, as I see it as a key area for future growth. Additionally, my problem-solving abilities, hands-on experience with technology, and commitment to continuous learning make me well-suited to thrive in this program. | 0799805601 | | sabaahmmad@gmail.com | http://Saba A. abu Alhija /https://www.linkedin.com/in/saba-a-abu-alhija-05555872/ | http://NA.com | http://NA.com | Irbid | Irbid | Public | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172943833822937bd429-IDDocument-pass.pdf | 172943833822937bd429-GraduationCertificate--جامعيه.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 15:32:18 |
3449 | unread | Bashar Aljawabrah | 23 | Array | Jordanian | Industrial Engineering | University of Jordan | 2024-01-31 | Array | Certified Supply Chain Analyst | | | Head Organizer at IISE regional annual conference
Active member at IISE | Gain knowledge and skills
Enhance my skills in data analytics | Get to know more about data analytics and to develop my careers | I’m a fast learner and I have the passion to learn and develop in this field | 0790900974 | | jawabra.b01@gmail.com | http://linkedin.com/in/baljawabrah | | | Amman | Amman | I have my own car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172943815959957d37ee-IDDocument-Bashar-Aljawabrah-CV-Resume.pdf | 172943815959957d37ee-GraduationCertificate-THE-UNIVERSITY.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 15:29:19 |
3449 | unread | Majed subhi fahed alnairat | 24 | Array | Jordanian | Mechatronics engineering | University of Jordan | | Array | | | | I have good experience with avsi in helping those in need form e-wallets and carry out many university and student activities | To develop my data analysis skills using python and power BI | Good knowledge in data analysis and starting a new field of work | Because I have good knowledge of Excel and sql. | 0779068876 | | Marwanalnairat973@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Wadi alseer | I have a car. | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172943701537529c6d65-IDDocument-Majed.pdf | | No | 2024-10-20 15:10:15 |
3449 | unread | Dania al jaabari | 23 | Array | Jordanian | business intelligence and data analysis | university of petra | 2024-07-25 | Array | power bi course
| cyber security | | | I am participating because I am passionate about the topic and eager to learn more. I believe this opportunity will help me develop new skills and connect with like-minded individuals. | I expect to gain valuable knowledge and skills from this program. I'm looking forward to networking with others and having hands-on experiences that will enhance my understanding of the subject. | Even though I don't have direct experience, I am a quick learner and highly motivated. I am eager to absorb new knowledge and skills, and I believe my enthusiasm and willingness to grow make me a strong candidate for this program. | 0798209704 | | daniajaabari@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dania-jaabari-96ba9530a?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app | https://www.facebook.com/Daniajabari5?mibextid=LQQJ4d | | amman | dahyet al rashid | jenny | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 13:09:34 |
3449 | unread | Dania al jaabari | 23 | Array | Jordanian | business intelligence and data analysis | university of petra | 2024-07-25 | Array | power bi course
| cyber security | | | I am participating because I am passionate about the topic and eager to learn more. I believe this opportunity will help me develop new skills and connect with like-minded individuals. | I expect to gain valuable knowledge and skills from this program. I'm looking forward to networking with others and having hands-on experiences that will enhance my understanding of the subject. | Even though I don't have direct experience, I am a quick learner and highly motivated. I am eager to absorb new knowledge and skills, and I believe my enthusiasm and willingness to grow make me a strong candidate for this program. | 0798209704 | | daniajaabari@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dania-jaabari-96ba9530a?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app | https://www.facebook.com/Daniajabari5?mibextid=LQQJ4d | | amman | dahyet al rashid | jenny | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 13:09:32 |
3449 | unread | ABDUL-AZIZ HISHAM SHUBBAK | 31 | Array | jordanian | Computer Science | University of Jordan | 2016-01-24 | Array | TRAINING COURSES
Aug 2019 – Oct 2019
Digital Marketing / EFE-Jordan – Amman, Jordan
Jul 2018 – Nov 2018
Graphic Design / Intaj Information Technology – Amman, Jordan
Aug 2017 – Feb 2018
Customer Service and Call Center / Alquds College – Amman, Jordan | Programming & Software Development
Web: HTML, CSS, Java script
C, C++, JAVA
SQL, Oracle Database
YAML, Apache Maven, Kubernetes
Software Skills:
Windows/ Linux Operating Systems
MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop | EXPERIENCE
Oct 2019 – June 2024
Associate Support Engineer / Progress-Soft Corporation – Amman, Jordan
• Create and maintain pipelines for building and deploying releases to automate the process of delivering the products to the customer using CI/CD
• Preparing helm charts for packaging the Kubernetes files to be ready for deployment
• Working with dockers and Kubernetes as an orchestration tool
• Working with DB engines such as Oracle
• Investigation and troubleshooting technical issues Customer service for central and commercial banks in 15 countries all over the world.
Oct 2018 – Sep 2019
Graphic Design Trainer / Moonlight Academy – Amman, Jordan
• Preparing and giving lectures and training courses on Creative Graphic Design & Digital Media using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, KeyShot, MagicaVoxel, and Meshmixer
Aug 2016 – Sep 2018
Computer Labs TA & IT Technical Support / Al-Quds College – Jordan
• Computer labs supervision, Moodle management, technical support (Software/Hardware) | | | | | 00962775231008 | | AzizShubbak@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/aziz-shubbak-973a71120/ | | | Amman, Jordan | Amman | | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172942890985f5a01e79-IDDocument-Aziz-CV-June-2024.pdf | 172942890985f5a01e79-GraduationCertificate-Bachelor-Abdul-Aziz-Shubbak.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 12:55:09 |
3449 | unread | Anas karzoun | 33 | Array | Jordanian | Marketing and advertising | Hashemite University | 2014-12-20 | Array | | | | | My reason for participation in the analysis is to develop my knowledge on the subject to use it in my work | Development of the analysis subject | | 0785258322 | | am.karzoun@gmail.com | https://tr.ee/o1cGB0eIx9 | | https://www.instagram.com/anas_karzoun/ | Amman | Shafa Badran | | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 12:46:19 |
3449 | unread | Elaf Khaled Basbous | 27 | Array | Jordanian | computer science | Al-Zaytoon Ah University,Jordan | 1996-05-10 | Array | Digital marketing certificate -Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Photoshop Edition
Social Media Marketing | | - *Customer Service at CTM Marketing & Travel Solutions Company*
*Tell marketing at Nat Health Company
| | I would like to participate in the data analysis course to develop my skills in data analysis and utilize it in making data-driven decisions, which will enhance my professional abilities and contribute to achieving practical goals
| I expect this program to provide me with practical, hands-on experience in data analysis techniques and tools. I hope to gain deeper insights into data-driven decision-making processes and enhance my ability to analyze and interpret data effectively. Additionally, I look forward to networking with like-minded individuals and learning from industry experts to further my career development | I believe I am the right person for this program because of my strong passion for data analysis and my commitment to continuous learning. I have a background in digital marketing and Photoshop editing, which has allowed me to develop analytical thinking and attention to detail. I am eager to expand my skill set in data analysis and apply these skills to make informed, data-driven decisions. My dedication and enthusiasm make me a strong candidate for this opportunity | 0772933219 | | elafa1488@Gmail.com | | | | Amman | عمان | A car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 172942665489a1618fba-IDDocument-elF.pdf | 172942665489a1618fba-GraduationCertificate-1.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 12:17:34 |
3449 | unread | Mohammad Hisham Al Shubbak | 31 | Array | Jordanian | B.Sc. In Computer Science | The University of Jordan | 2016-06-01 | Array | | | Job Title: 3D & VR Designer
Company: SimLab Soft
Dates: (JAN 2023 - JUN 2023)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Description: Use software like Maya, Blender, or 3ds Max to create detailed 3D models and develop immersive VR experiences for virtual worlds, simulations, or educational settings.
Job Title: Web Developer and Database Manager
Company: Al-Rajhi Construction
Dates: (JAN 2021 – DEC 2022)
Location: Riyadh, KSA
Website Developer: Developed a bilingual (Arabic/English) website for Al-Rajhi Construction Company, featuring sections for Commercial, Industrial, and Construction departments. Utilized WordPress.org with advanced plugins, themes, server hosting, and database management, along with front- and back-end tools.
SQL Database Manager: Managed SQL Server operations using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, ensuring data security, performance optimization, and actionable insights for decision-makers. Led a team focused on data strategy alignment with business goals.
2D Designer: Created graphic content for the company's website, profile, and social media, including banners, sliders, posts, and templates for print and digital formats.
Job Title: IT Managements - Graphic Designer - Website Development - social media Manger
Company: Aldaar Albayda
Dates: (JAN 2020 - DEC 2020)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Job Title: Graphic Design - Software Testing - Documentation - Supporting
Company: SimLab Soft
Dates: (JUL 2017 - DEC 2019)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Description: 3D Testing (Simlab Composer, Simlab Plug-ins) - Graphic Design (editing image in Adobe Photoshop, creating demo and tutorial videos in Adobe Premiere) - 3D Modeling (create 3d models in Autodesk 3Ds Max) - Technical Documentation (helps and tutorials) - Support | Organization: Jordan Youth Volunteer Program
Role: Social Media Manager
Dates: June 2023 - August 2023
Description: Managed social media accounts to promote community events and volunteer opportunities, increasing engagement by 30%. Created digital content to raise awareness about local environmental projects. | My reason for participating in this program is to develop in-demand digital skills that will help me advance my career and improve my employability. I am eager to learn from industry professionals and gain hands-on experience that will prepare me for job opportunities in the digital sector. This program offers the perfect platform for me to grow, network, and take steps towards achieving my long-term career goals. | I expect to gain practical digital skills that are in demand in today’s job market, with a focus on data analysis and software developing. I also hope to receive guidance on how to apply these skills in real-world job settings and connect with potential employment opportunities in Jordan. | I believe I am the right person for this program because I am highly motivated to enhance my digital skills and adapt to the evolving job market. I have a passion for learning and a keen interest in data analysis and software developing. This program is a perfect fit for me as it provides the opportunity to acquire the practical skills and knowledge that are critical for securing meaningful employment in Jordan's digital economy. | 0770758052 | | mohammedshubbak@yahoo.com | | | | Amman | Amman | Jordanian | Array | Array | Array | Array | | | No | 2024-10-20 11:31:42 |
3449 | unread | fatima hamad alshamaileh | 27 | Array | jordanian | chemical engineering | Mutah University | 2020-09-16 | Array | 1-calculas
2-ordinary differential equation
3-static and dynamics
4-multivariate mathmatics
5-data analysis in chemical engineering
6-applied mathmatics in chemical Eng
7-numerical analysis | 1- expermental design
2-industrial analytical chemistry
3-optimization of chemical process
| one year in Arab Potash Company | Crown Prince foundation | I joined this opportunity because I believe that having data analysis skills has become essential in all fields, especially in chemistry, where I can use analysis to identify patterns and better understand results. This will lead to improving the accuracy of research and the development of chemical processes."
| I expect to benefit from the data analysis course by enhancing my ability to analyze chemical results and experiments more deeply, which will help me draw more accurate conclusions and make decisions based on solid data. Additionally, data analysis will assist me in improving efficiency and productivity in chemical research and development processes.
| "I believe I am the right person for this course because I have a strong background in chemical engineering, which allows me to understand data from a scientific perspective. I am also passionate about learning new skills and work hard to achieve my goals. I possess critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which will help me effectively apply what I learn in data analysis."
| 0799640129 | | fatimahamad907@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatima-shamaileh-645442157?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app | | | alkarak | mutah | Buses | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729422785e8702dce97-IDDocument-.pdf | | No | 2024-10-20 11:13:05 |
3449 | unread | Sahar Alqudah | 32 | Array | Jordanian | Computer engineering | BAU | 2015-01-15 | Array | Data Analysis with R studio programming language(2024)
MEAL- Dpro (M&E) (2024)
Big Data Analysis- Oyoon Program for Investigative Journalism (2018- 2020)
| Social Impact of Development Programs.(2023)
Practical and scientific principles of social protection(2024)
Oyoon Program for Investigative Journalism (2018- 2020) | Social Impact research-IICO (2023)
Project Officer (Dec.2023 to Dec.2024)
| Programming Training- STS (2014)
Programming Training- 1 Global (2015)
Operations officer Training - NMB (2014)
| To get required skills to be a professional data analyst, and get started in this career. | Provide me with data analysis skills and knowledge, by the suitable training programmes with a capable skilled trainers. | Discovering my passion for data analysis has inspired me to deepen my knowledge in this science, and will motivate me to seek effective solutions. With my programming background, I am confident that I am an ideal candidate for this program. | 00962787893258 | | Sahar.alqudahh@gmail.com | | | | Amman | Shmaisani | Car | Array | Array | Array | Array | 1729422661d24284721b-IDDocument--الهوية.pdf | 1729422661d24284721b-GraduationCertificate-Comp-Eng.-Bach.-paper-Sahar.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 11:11:01 |
3449 | unread | Ruaa Albatarna | 23 | Array | Jordanian | Medical Physics | Yarmouk University | 2024-01-27 | Array | | | No experience I am a fresh graduate | Participation in the first aid medical team for the Amman Marathon & Volunteering | This course will benefit me in my major and other fields. | It would be excellent for developing skills including communication, strengthening character and as an experience. | Because I am an ambitious person, I aspire to learn most of the things related to my specialization. | 0780478886 | | rbatarna@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ru-a-batarna-b69938213?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app | https://www.facebook.com/share/PNJMV7RyeLoqLsUw/ | https://www.instagram.com/skyruaa2/profilecard/?igsh=ZGZpMGVsZHU3anN2 | Zarqa | Zahle Street | Buses | Array | Array | Array | Array | 17294225716f97af313e-IDDocument-IDNO.pdf | 17294225716f97af313e-GraduationCertificate-Graduation-Certificate.pdf | No | 2024-10-20 11:09:31 |